Genasys Emergency Management (GEM) Solution User Manual 
Vs 3.7




1 Introduction

2 User Manual Guide

3 Login

4 Menu

4.1 Menu: Sections and Subsections

5 Dashboard

6 Alerts

6.1 Quick Launch Page

6.1.1 Quick Launch Keywords

6.2 Alerts Tab

6.2.1 Organizing and Filtering Alerts

6.2.2 Add a New Alert

6.2.3 Editing an Alert: Alert Details

6.2.4 Updating an Alert

6.2.5 Launching a Single Alert

6.2.6 Scheduling an Alert

6.2.7 Templates

6.3 Map

6.3.1 OpenLayers

6.3.2 ESRI

6.4 Voicemail and Retries

6.4.1 Voicemail

6.4.2 Retries

7 Speakers

7.1 Speakers Page

7.1.1 Selecting Speakers

7.1.2 Selecting and Playing Audio

7.1.3 Controlling Speakers

7.2 Types Page

7.3 Areas Page

7.3.1 Add a New Area

7.3.2 Add a New Group

7.4 Sounds Page

7.4.1 Adding a New Sound Category

7.4.2 Adding a New Sound File

8 Contacts

8.1 Contacts Page

8.1.1 Adding/Editing Contacts

8.1.2 Other Tools in the Contacts Page

8.2 Groups Page

8.3 Dynamic Groups

8.4 Registration Portal

9 Admin

9.1 Custom Fields Page

9.1.1 Description

9.1.2 Managing custom fields

9.1.3 Creating custom fields

9.1.4 Viewing custom fields

9.2 Administrators Page

9.2.1 Table of Users

9.2.2 Adding/Editing Users

9.3 User Maps Page

9.3.1 Editing Map Layers

9.4 SMS Catalog Page

9.4.1 Register User Via SMS

9.4.2 Adding and Editing Messages with Keywords

9.5 Keywords

9.6 Notifications Page

9.6.1 Modifying notifications

9.7 GUI (Graphic User Interface) Log Page

9.8 Config Params

9.9 Lists Page

9.10 Social Networks

9.11 CAP RSS 

9.12 Jurisdictional Areas

10 Multi-site Access


11.1 IPAWS Log Page

11.2 IPAWS Filter Config Page

12 Weather

12.1 Weather Alerts List

12.2 Auto-Alert Log

12.2.1 Auto-Alert Filters

12.2.3 Filter Template

12.2.4 Filter Targets

13 Reports

13.1 Campaign Page

13.2 Contacts Page


13.4 Outgoing Messages Page

13.5 Incoming SMS Page

13.6 Amazon QuickSight

14 New version 

15 Activity

16 Training Mode

17 External API

18 HELP & Technical Support

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